Fourth American Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences
New York, USA 13-15 April 2018
Dear & Esteemed Colleagues
Greetings! We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to you to the Fourth American Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AAR18New York Conference) being jointly organized by Wagner College, Global Business Research Journals (GBRJ), SDMIMD at Wagner College, Staten Island, New York, USA from 13 – 15 April, 2018.
You are most welcome to submit your research papers/abstracts/case studies/posters in all arears of business in social sciences research.
A 15% Group Discount on the ‘registration fee’ available for a group comprising three members. (Not applicable to one-day attendance).
For more details please visit: www.globalbizresearch.org
E-mail: usaconf@globalbizresearch.org
Conference link: http://globalbizresearch.org/NewYork_Conference_2018_April1/
Panel Discussion!
We are also organizing panel discussions, invited presentations on topics of contemporary interest to the academic community.
Topic: Research for Sustainable Future!